The color (s) of 2016

Every year the trend experts from the US company Pantone announce your personal color of the year. In their search for a successor to Marsala red that combined satisfaction and rustic naturalness, the color scientists finally found what they were looking for, and they did so several times. The trend color 2016 is presented in two versions: Serenity and Rose Quartz.

Pantone Rose Quartz and Pantone SerenitySoothing blue and warming rose

The two Pantone colors will soon be found everywhere, but what exactly is behind these ominous names? Pantone Serenity (15 – 3919) is a calming, cool shade of blue. It reflects the human striving for well-being and fulfillment in everyday life. On the other hand, there is Pantone Rose Quartz (13 – 1520), a versatile rose with a warming quality that is equally friendly, enthusiastic and relaxed. According to trend experts, this harmonious combination results in a welcome mix of inner calm and serenity.

Trend color 2016 for fashion, design, decoration and trendy hairstyles

As every year, the colors of 2016 will soon be seen everywhere, and not just in the areas of fashion, accessories or shoes. Design, decoration, interior fittings or sofas should soon work with Serenity and Rose Quartz. Even in the hairstyle sector, these sympathetic accents are sure to be very popular in the near future.

Color as a form of expression

Pantone mentions another important reason for choosing these two colors, namely that of the form of expression. At a time when gender is becoming more and more of a flowing term and equality movements around the world are enjoying ever greater successes, Serenity and Rose Quartz are no longer gender-specific colors. The trend colors 2016 are therefore also a signal for openness, self-confidence and social change.

Certainly these two shades will soon be on the Fashion fairs the Brandboxx can be seen – maybe even at the upcoming ones Appointments in the first half of the year !

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