113. ÖSFA 2025

20. - 22. Jänner 2026

ÖSFA Winter, Austria’s biggest winter sports fair, once again takes place in January next year.

ÖSFA is the most important winter sports fair for the Austrian sporting goods industry. The industry event in Salzburg grants retailers an annual insight into the latest trends, products and innovations in the winter sports sector.

Opening hours:
Tuesday 9 am to 6 pm
Wednesday 9 am to 6 pm
Thursday 9 am to 4 pm

Product groups:

  • Sporting goods
  • Sportswear
  • Outdoor
  • Shoes
  • Accessories

Once a year (winter)


Only for trade visitors

Event location:
Brandboxx Salzburg GmbH
Moosfeldstrasse 1, 5101 Bergheim, Austria

Die neue Salzburger Trachtenmesse Herzlich Willkommen zur neuen Salzburger Trachtenmesse in der Brandboxx. Im September gibt sich die Trachtenmodebranche bei den TRACHTEN Order Tagen in Salzburg ein Stelldichein. Die TRACHTEN Order Tage sind eine Fachmesse (B2B). Nächster Termin: 03. - 05. September 2021 Save the date: HOT1-TRACHT & MODE Messe Start 20.-21. Juli 2021

To register as an exhibitor and reserve a booth:
Use our online tool to register!

Register now as an exhibitor

Here you can also order furniture and advertise your presence in the list of exhibitors.

Sign up before learning more:

As a visitor, we will provide you with extensive information at Brandboxx Salzburg.

We kindly ask you to register for free in advance and present your admission ticket at Brandboxx. Your ticket will be sent by email and can be printed or displayed on your phone.

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

Get your accreditation before learning more:

As an editor or press photographer you can find extensive information about the current eventsat Brandboxx Salzburg in the ‘press’ area, from announcements to reports to corresponding press photos. Get your accreditation here and stay up-to-date.

Our communication agency is available to you for more detailed press information:

Mag. Silva Leschner
Strozzigasse 32-34/1/27
1080 Wien

t. +43 1 406 24 24
m. +43 664 3456337

I am an exhibitor and already have an account
Forgot password?
I am an exhibitor and do not have an account yet and would like to register now.


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Contact person at the exhibition stand:


For free entry in the exhibitor directory, please provide us with all the collection names that you will be presenting during the event below:


The brand logos you upload will be used for general on-site labeling and for the online exhibitor directory.


Mandatory organization fee: € 410.-

Jeder weitere m² über 28 m² kostet à € 81,- exkl. Ust. und 1% Vertragsgebühr (vom Rechnungsbetrag inkl. Ust.)
Standreinigung: € 2,00/m² exkl. MWST. am Ende jedes Tages


The rental price includes the following basic equipment: 1 table and 4 chairs per 30 square meters, clothes rails and/or shelves.

Stk. à € 20,– (1.200 x 600mm)
Stk. à € 25,– (1.600 x 800mm)
Stk. à € 31,– (Ø 800mm)
Stk. à € 14,–
Stk. à € 75,–
Stk. à € 112,–
Stk. à € 38,–
Stk. à € 53,–
Stk. à € 31,–
Stk. à € 31,– (grau)
pro lfm. à € 31,– (1000 cm x 2000 mm BxH)
Stk. à € 35,–
à € 19,00/m2 verlegt
Stk. à € 44,– (400 x 1500mm B x H)
Stk. à € 121-.-


I hereby reserve the number of spaces selected above for the underground car park for the duration of the entire event. A reservation fee of € 10.00 (net plus VAT) will be charged for each reserved underground parking space. The reservation fee does NOT include parking fees. These must be paid separately at the pay station.


Application deadline:

We have read the AGB and the Trade fair criteria and irrevocably accept them.
I agree that my data may be processed as part of the exhibitor registration and I agree to the Data protection declaration.


Are you looking for a permanent tenant in the Brandboxx, an exhibitor at our trade fairs or would you like to know whether a brand is represented?

Companies & Brands

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